Our Service Projects

We support women and girls through a variety of projects aimed at meeting a particular need.

Spreading the Reading Bug

Promoting and advocating for books to be read at home, encouraging parents to support early literacy as an important part of their child’s development. Through Broad community involvement of donations books, the Club distributes free pre-loved books to children aged from birth to twelve years.

Techno Girls

Run during school holidays, this two day program involves primary school aged girls in having fun with technology – building and programming robots, making a video game and learning about the magic of chemistry and magnetism.

STEM Scholarships

Through the generous support of AusOptic, an Australian company manufacturing innovative optical technologies, we provide scholarships to three high school students, one from each Gawler high school, to enable them to continue with their STEM studies.

Women's Art Studio

In partnership with Gawler Community House, we provide opportunities for senior and isolated women in the local community to experience art through active participation in workshops. We provide opportunities for women in aged care to engage in conversations about art, explore ideas and stimulate interaction in support of well being and care of senior women.

Breast Care Cushions and drainage bags

This is a national project, run by many Zonta clubs in Australia. We make cushions drainage bags designed to provide comfort to women following breast surgery. The cushion aids recovery by providing some comfort when sleeping and when wearing seatbelts and provides protection from bumps.

Boxes of Love

The club provides a gift box of toiletries for women who need to suddenly leave home without the chance to pack any belongings. The contents of the boxes are donated items and are distributed by the Women’s Safety Services SA.

Items for babies and toys for children are also provided where possible.

Birthing Kits

We support the Birthing Kit Foundation Australia, headquartered in the Adelaide Hills. BKFA deliver kits of basic supplies to provide a clean birthing kit to women living in low- resource settings around the world. We support by raising funds to purchase kit supplies and then host kit assembly days. The local community and other Service Clubs also help out with funds and people .

Women of Achievement

Every two years, we celebrate the achievements of local women and young women. Three categories are celebrated: Visionary Leader; Mentor; Community Worker with an award in each category for both young women aged 12 – 25, and women aged over 25.

Community Involvement

In addition to our specific Zonta projects, we are involved with other Gawler Service Clubs in hosting and organising the International Women’s Day Breakfast, the Australia Day Breakfast, and several Club members have trained as volunteers at The Haven, Gawler’s Women’s Information Service.

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